We are always happy to receive comments, feedback and suggestions and have a procedure for this.

As part of our complaints procedure, we will:

  • Treat complaints seriously and deal with them properly

  • Resolve complaints promptly and informally whenever possible

  • Learn from complaints and take action to improve

  • Ensure that complaints are treated in confidence

What to do if you have a complaint

It’s always better if you can let us know straight away. Most complaints can be sorted out quickly by a member of staff, such as the lead pastor on Sundays or the team leader responsible for the relevant area of ministry or the event you are attending. We will welcome the opportunity to do this if at all possible.

If it is not possible to do this at the time you can contact us:

by e mail  at: 

or in writing to: Dublin Vineyard Church, 35 Avenue Road, Portobello, Dublin 8

or by telephone: 01 453 5793


What happens next?

Should you have cause to complain over the phone, we will try to resolve the issue there and then. Similarly, if you complain by email or in writing we will acknowledge receipt of such within 7 days,and we will do everything we can to resolve it within 21 days. If this is not possible, we will explain why and give you a new deadline.


What if the complaint is not resolved?

If you are not happy with our response, then you can get back in touch with us by writing to the Chair of Trustees at the address provided above. The Chairperson will ensure that your appeal is considered at Board level and will respond within two weeks of this consideration by Board members.

We are registered with the Charities regulator and unresolved complaints regarding fundraising activities can be referred to